Crown PDF Service Manuals, parts and wiring diagrams

Type of transmission oil, parts manual for a Crown PE3540-60, service manual,

Quality maintenance is the key to quality work

Crown c5-Internal Forklift Operator Manu
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Crown Counterbalance Trucks RC3000 Opera
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Crown Counterbalance Trucks SC4000 Opera
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB
Crown Counterbalance Trucks RC5500 Opera
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Crown pc4500 Rider Pallet Truck Operator
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Crown Counterbalance Trucks FC4500 Opera
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Crown Counterbalance Trucks FC4000 Opera
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Crown Counterbalance Trucks FC5200 Opera
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Crown Counterbalance Trucks SC5200 Opera
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Crown pth50 Hand Pallet Truck Operator M
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Crown pw3000 Walkie Pallet Truck Operato
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Crown Stockpickers SP4000 Operator Manua
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Crown Very Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks 40T
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Crown Walkie Stackers ES Operator Manual
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Crown sp3500 Stockpicker Operator Manual
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Crown Stockpickers SP3505 Operator Manua
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Crown Very Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks 30T
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Crown Walkie Stackers M Operator Manual.
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.9 MB

Crown WP2000 Walkie Pallet Truck Operato
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Crown pw3000 Walkie Pallet Truck Operato
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Crown c5-Internal Forklift Operator Manu
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Crown Walkie Stackers B Operator Manual.
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.8 MB
Crown pth50 Hand Pallet Truck Operator M
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Crown pc4500 Rider Pallet Truck Operator
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB

Crown RR5200 Reach Trucks Download

Crown WF3000 series Service Manual Download

c5-Internal Forklift Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks FC4000 Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks FC4500 Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks FC5200 Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks RC3000 Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks RC5500 Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks SC4000 Crown Operator Manual Download

Counterbalance Trucks SC5200 Crown Operator Manual Download

pc4500 Rider Pallet Truck Crown Operator Manual Download

pth50 Hand Pallet Truck Crown Operator Manual Download

pw3000 Walkie Pallet Truck Crown Operator Manual Download

sp3500 Stockpicker Crown Operator Manual Download

Stockpicker SP3505 Crown Operator Manual Download

Stockpicker SP4000 Crown Operator Manual Download

Very Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks 30TS Crown Operator Manual Download

Very Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks 40TS Crown Operator Manual Download

Very Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks TSP6000 Crown Operator Manual Download

Very Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks TSP7000 Crown Operator Manual Download

Walkie Stackers B Operator Manual Download

Walkie Stackers ES Operator Manual Download

Walkie Stackers M Operator Manual Download

WAV50 Operator Manual Download

WAV60 Operator Manual Download

WP2000 Walkie Pallet Truck Operator Manual Download

Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks RD5700 Operator Manual Download

Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks RM 6000 Operator Manual Download

Narrow-Aisle Reach Trucks RMD 6000 Operator Manual Download

Reliable maintenance consists of several elements: the availability of qualified service engineers and high quality spare parts, the efficiency of repairs and the speed of response. Low maintenance costs are not decisive - it is a systematic approach that will help you achieve the highest levels of performance and reliability.


Forklift maintenance is vendor-specific and initially low rates do not guarantee a minimum cost of ownership in the future. The frequency of calls and the amount of support offered is what really matters. You need a well-thought-out and efficient maintenance program that helps you lower your total cost.


The first roots outside the US Crown took immediately on another continent - in Australia. Today this division is the largest supplier of machinery in Asia. The corporation entered Europe in 1968 through Ireland, having bought a ready-made plant there, producing mainly hydraulic carts. In the same year, a service center of the company was opened in London, where the equipment of enterprises operating near the airport was serviced.


Today, a network of Crown dealerships operates around the world, with more than 500 retail locations in 84 countries and 19 manufacturing sites.


The company's production facilities allow it to produce up to 85% of components for its own equipment, including such complex components as motors and electronic equipment.


Today, Crown not only manufactures the entire line of warehouse equipment, but also develops design and implements high-tech developments of the intellectual work of its own employees into the equipment. For example, QuickPick Remote technology, which is available on today's Crown pickers and tractors, optimizes order picking by eliminating the need for an operator to get into the cab every time a machine needs to be moved - it moves by remote control.


The InfoLink wireless monitoring system allows you to receive the latest information on the operation of the systems of the entire fleet of trucks, stackers and reach trucks of the company. For this development, Crown received the prestigious IFOY International Forklift Solutions Award.


All equipment is developed with an emphasis on both safety and increased driver comfort. Management believes that a comfortable workplace is the key to more productive equipment, so it is a real pleasure to operate any Crown loader or stacker.


These products are available in four series, each of which includes equipment that can cope with any difficult task:


Series C-5

Equipment with low vibration gas engines. Tests have shown that, even with intensive work, the operator does not feel vibration from the engine. The series includes two models with a lifting capacity of up to 3 tons and a lift height of up to 7.5 m, one of which is designed to work on uneven terrain, therefore, it is made with pneumatic wheels.


SC series

Three and four wheel electric loaders. This technique lifts loads up to 2 tons to a height of 8 meters. The most interesting thing here is the control system. It is performed in four controllers. Either option mounts on the operator's right armrest and includes joysticks or a set of small levers (in some cases a combination option).

FC series

These are electric loaders, but unlike the SC series, they are more compact, maneuverable and ergonomic.


RC series

A counterbalanced loader that combines the advantages of equipment from other series of equipment with an electric drive. The difference is that it is the only loader with a side standing position for the operator. The carrying capacity of this series is only 1.8 tons, but the view from the cab is much better.



These TSP series warehouse supercars look very clumsy, but are designed specifically for handling cargo in narrow aisles. The technique is as automated as possible and will not give the operator a chance for a mistake, disabling various functions every time he feels a violation of safety regulations with his sensors. In this series, only two models are produced with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons and a mast lift to a height of 13.5 and 17 meters.

Reach truck

A technique that any operator will be happy with. Available in two series:

The RR / RD series are not exactly your ordinary reach trucks. The equipment, like all the company's products, is high-tech, but the highlight of this series is in a special mast - it is not on a moving basis, but with a scissor pantograph. The series includes pantographs of different loading depths and reach trucks with sitting and standing operator positions.

ESR series - albeit without a pantograph, but more technologically advanced than brothers from the RR / RD series. Reach trucks are fully customizable for the most comfortable operation, and the no-load high-speed lowering technology saves a lot of time and energy.


Lift heights - 13.5 m (ESR) and 11 m (RR / RD). The carrying capacity of equipment from both series does not exceed 2 tons. All reach trucks are equipped with a programming system, thanks to which the technique raises the forks to a height with an accuracy of a couple of millimeters, which eliminates human error in aiming at a height.


The abundance of a variety of stackers can make your head spin: with and without platforms for the operator, lifting capacity 1.2-1.8-2-2.6 tons, for extremely limited space, with increased lifting height, operator presence sensors, with rear or side exit, etc. In total, 13 models are presented for a wide variety of working conditions. In addition, the same QuickPick Remote technology can be screwed onto any of them, which allows you to control the lifting of the forks without being at the workplace.

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